almost lost |
Well, actually this is not the first time. I've already taken many levitation pictures many times but some of them are just jump shoots. I don't know why I can't jump high like others model when I browsed some photos in
Levitasi Hore. I wouldn't stop my steps to levitate. And I'll submit it on its web.
Finally, this afternoon, when my boy and I wanted to come to his house, we passed through a field with many coarse grass and bushes. As the photographer, my boy tried to capture me, levitating. He took some. I was exhausted :D, jumping many time because he is still learning the shutter lag. Never mind. We got two. The better ones.
Then I asked to LevitasiHore Bekasi regional whether my photo is levitation or not. It said yes.Great! But I am not satisfied yet. It's just a beginning. Cemunguudh!
saat ini saya nggak tahu siapa namanya. Dari saya duduk di bangku TK, saya
hanya memanggilnya Yayu Jamu. Saya nggak berani untuk menanyakan namanya. Yang
saya tahu, dia adalah seorang wanita yang berprofesi sebagai penjual jamu yang
masih mempertahankan minuman tradisional tersebut. Kulitnya legam, mungkin
terlalu sering berada di bawah sinar matahari, giginya rapi, badannya kurus
namun kuat menopang bakul jamu yang pasti tidak ringan. Walaupun tidak sedikit
orang-orang yang suka minum jamu, nyatanya dia masih bertahan sampai sekarang. Tenang
saja, Yu. Saya adalah pelanggan setiamu. :D
It has been
almost 2 months since I was graduated from my English Literature Department in UNISMA Bekasi.
Many things I’ve done, gotten, and taken. Since this day, the scenes of what’s
happening keep rolling in my mind. How can I be so cold-blood to forget nice
moments there? Yes, lecturing and studying had stopped last year (but I’ve
already missed that activity so much) but silly things, loving, sharing, and
laughing will never stop until now. Shaking
the sky, trembling the ground and believing the dreams also keep continuing.
only about how the feelings about the condition there, but I also miss every
spots where I did my activities or some surprising moments came to be the most unforgettable
things in my life. Here are my favorite